Our Studio’s Ethos is Focused and Personalised Service

About the company

Idese Interior Designs is a sophisticated boutique interior design studio based in Chelsea, London with a single-minded focus on creating uniquely beautiful interiors for our clients. Inherent to our studio’s values is a belief that exceptional design can only be achieved through focused and personalised service, as such we take no more than two commissions at any one time to ensure this focused attention is not compromised. Our belief that it is essential to invest the time to understand each client’s needs, lifestyle, and goals ensures that we deliver optimal results that are a reflection of each client’s personal style and vision for their property.

Our name Idese is derived from Freud’s theory that one’s personality consists of three elements; the IDEgo, and Super Ego, where these elements work together to form our unique personality. Rooted in the principles by which we design is the belief that one’s home is an extension of oneself, a canvas to convey our individuality, it is an expression of our IDese.